Warm up

Balasana - Child’s Pose



From Adho Mukha Svanasana, bring your knees down to the ground mat distance, toes touching. Press your hips towards your feet and reach your arms towards your feet, back of the hands on the ground.

Extend your sit bones back towards your feet and reach the top of your crown forward, rest your forehead on the ground. Let the shoulder blades spread and the upper back broaden. For a stronger stretch reach your arms forward, lengthen from the base of your spine to your fingertips, gaze down.

Ananda Balasana - Happy Baby

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Lie on your back, bend your knees and lift your legs up towards your chest.

Reach your arms in between your legs and hold onto the outside of your flexed feet, shins perpendicular to the ground, reach your sit bones away and your sacrum down, lumbar spine lifts to a natural curve.

Draw your knees in towards your armpits. Press your feet up into your hands and your hands down into your feet, gaze up.

Supta Padangusthasana - Reclined Hand to Big Toe

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Lie on your back, legs extended and flexed, inhale here.

Exhale, draw your right knee towards your chest, wrap a yoga strap around the balls of your foot and hold the strap in both hands, arms straight, or hold your big toe with your thumb and first two fingers. Extend your right leg up, press through the balls of your foot and reach your heel up. Press your left thigh into the ground with your left hand, broaden through the collarbones, shoulders grounded.

Draw the top of the thigh bone into its socket, lengthen the leg up straight first, then work towards reaching your leg in the direction of your head.