Settling on your mat

One of Dublin's best yoga teachers, Mari Kennedy, who teaches in The Yoga Room and Clonlea Yoga Studio, introduced the idea of settling onto your mat like a pint of Guinness. Such a lovely image and one which the class of predominantly Irish students wholeheartedly identified with, even if it was only 9:45am! The idea, she goes on to explain, is in the ritualistic pause that follows after a Guinness is drawn before you can savour it. There is a savouring in the period of anticipation too, similar to the anticipation at the start of a class, and the sense of achievement at making it onto your mat. We would all benefit from starting our practice by pausing, and letting everything settle – letting go of all the busy thoughts of the day and clearing a space for the present. It leaves an inner smile when you look around the class and visualise all the little pints of Guinness practising their Sun Salutations, without even spilling a drop!

Ruth Delahunty Yogaru