Feel good flow

Sometimes you just want to get on your mat and flow without overthinking the poses or challenging yourself too much. This sequence is a well rounded flow and has a little bit of everything that will have you feeling happy and enthusiastic for the day ahead when practised in the morning; or help you unwind and settle after a long day when practised in the evening. The simple sequence calms a busy mind by linking breath with movement to cultivate a meditative flow in your practice. Once you are focusing on just your breath all the other stories are pushed aside to give you space to be just you and your mat. Park your to do lists and give yourself a little bit of time to move without expectation, self judgement or overthinking your practice. The focus of this class is just to turn up and be whatever you bring with you to your mat, physically and mentally. Bookmark this one for days where you need ‘simple’ in your life.

The sequence starts with some targeted glute, core and spine activation with a simple child's pose flow. Use the guide in the sequence to help you tap into the targeted muscle in each pose. The muscles we are targeting will start to make sense as you notice what is working to help you move as you flow. Once you are nicely warmed up you will add on to the end of the warm up flow two main standing flows. Each standing section starts with the same standing side bend and balance. Remember to press into the three points of your feet – the big toe mound, little toe mound and the centre of the back of your foot – to find your connection to the ground as you move from the warm up phase to the standing phase of the sequence. You will finish with some simple seated poses with

There is no specific peak pose in this feel good flow sequence. Use the cues below to help you flow through the sequence with ease and fluidity.

Have a read of the tips below and either print out the sequence or save it onto your device:

  • Use the breath guide in the sequence to help you link breath with movement in the flow. Inhale is indicated with a ‘+’, exhale is a ‘-”.

  • If there are specific poses that you would like to stay longer in, give yourself three deep breaths in those poses and pick up the next pose with the allocated inhale or exhale as indicated by the sequence.

  • For a longer practice repeat each of the two standing flows three times. Linger in the poses for the first round and then move with the breath for the second and third round.

  • In the first standing flow, notice the rotational action as you flow for three rounds from Eight Crescent Moon/Ashta Chandrasana to Utkata Konasana/Goddess. Repeat and smooth out this transition until your hips feel they are gliding freely.

  • In the second flow you will move from Eight Crescent Moon/Ashta Chandrasana at the front of your mat to Parsvakonasana/Side Angle at the back of the mat. Circle the arms wide and use the strength of your shoulders to hold the weight of the arms as you move slowly through this transition.

To save the images for personal use click and hold down the image until the ‘save image’ option appears; on Mac hold down ‘control’ and click the image to get the option box; on PC right click on the image to get the option box. Scroll down in the ‘option box’ and click ‘save image’.

Ruth Delahunty Yogaru